3DiVi Face SDK  3.21.0
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
|\*libfacerec.hMain library header
| \-Classes
|  \*FaceSdkPlugin.h
| \-com
|  \-vdt
|   \-face_recognition
|    \-sdk
|     o*MatchFoundCallbackData.javaMatchFoundCallbackData - interface object for encapsulation data from MatchFoundCallback
|     o*StiPersonOutdatedCallbackData.javaStiPersonOutdatedCallbackData is an interface object for encapsulated data from StiPersonOutdatedCallback
|     o*TemplateCreatedCallbackData.javaTemplateCreatedCallbackData - interface object for encapsulation data from TemplateCreatedCallback
|     o*TrackingCallbackData.javaTrackingCallbackData - interface object for encapsulation data from TrackingCallback
|     \*TrackingLostCallbackData.javaTrackingLostCallbackData - interface object for encapsulation data from TrackingLostCallback
||\*CVRawImage.hCVRawImage - example of implementation of the pbio::IRawImage interface via OpenCV
|o*AgeGenderEstimator.hAgeGenderEstimator - interface object for age and gender estimation
|o*CameraCalibrator.hCameraCalibrator - Interface object for camera calibration and correction of image distortion
|o*Capturer.hCapturer - Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences
|o*DepthLivenessEstimator.hDepthLivenessEstimator - Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks
|o*EmotionsEstimator.hEmotionsEstimator - Interface object for estimation of emotions
|o*Error.hError - the class of exceptions thrown when errors occur
|o*FaceAttributesEstimator.hFaceAttributesEstimator is an interface object used to estimate attributes of the face
|o*FaceQualityEstimator.hFaceQualityEstimator - Interface object for sample quality estimation
|o*FacerecService.hFacerecService - Interface object for creating other interface objects
|o*IRawImage.hIRawImage - Raw image interface
|o*IRLivenessEstimator.hIRLivenessEstimator is an interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks
|o*Liveness2DEstimator.hLiveness2DEstimator is an interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks
|o*LivenessEstimator.hLivenessEstimator - Interface object used to estimate face liveness to prevent spoofing attacks
|o*ProcessingBlock.hProcessingBlock - Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API
|o*QualityEstimator.hQualityEstimator - Interface object used to estimate sample quality
|o*RawSample.hRawSample - Interface object that stores a captured face sample
|o*Recognizer.hRecognizer - Interface object for creating and matching templates
|o*Template.hTemplate - Interface object for saving the face template
|o*TemplatesIndex.hTemplatesIndex - Interface object for working with the template index
|\*VideoWorker.hVideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams
  |\*cv_raw_image.pyCVRawImage - example of implementation of the RawImage interface via OpenCV
   o*age_gender_estimator.pyAgeGenderEstimator - interface object for age and gender estimation
   o*capturer.pyCapturer - Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences
   o*depth_liveness_estimator.pyDepthLivenessEstimator - Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks
   o*emotions_estimator.pyEmotionsEstimator - Interface object for estimation of emotions
   o*error.pyError - the class of exceptions thrown when errors occur
   o*face_attributes_estimator.pyFaceAttributesEstimator is an interface object used to estimate attributes of the face
   o*face_quality_estimator.pyFaceQualityEstimator - Interface object for sample quality estimation
   o*facerec_service.pyFacerecService - Interface object for creating other interface objects
   o*liveness_2d_estimator.pyLiveness2DEstimator is an interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks
   o*quality_estimator.pyQualityEstimator - Interface object used to estimate sample quality
   o*raw_image.pyRawImage - Raw image interface