FacerecService class Null safety

Interface object for creating other objects.


FacerecService(DynamicLibrary dll_handle, Pointer<Void> impl, String facerecConfDir, String dllPath)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


convertBGRA88882RGB(RawImageF image, {required int baseAngle}) RawImageF
convertYUV2ARGB(RawImageF image, Pointer<Void> result_buffer, {bool downscale_x2 = false}) → void
Convert input image to android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 format.
Input must be in YUV_NV21 of YUV_NV12 format.
Note: actual bytes order is BGRA, it looks like ARGB_8888
name use little-endian 32-bit integer notation.
image - Image in YUV_NV21 or YUV_NV12 format.
result_buffer - Data buffer to store converted result, with size image.width * image.height bytes if downscale_x2, or 4 * image.width * image.height bytes otherwise.
downscale_x2 - Downscale image during conversion, so the result image size will be image.width/2 x image.height/2.
convertYUV2RGB(RawImageF image, {required int baseAngle, NativeDataStruct? reusableData}) RawImageF
createAsyncCapturer(Config config) Future<AsyncCapturer>
createAsyncProcessingBlock(Map context) Future<AsyncProcessingBlock>
createAsyncRecognizer(String ini_file, {bool processing = true, bool matching = true, bool processing_less_memory_consumption = false}) Future<AsyncRecognizer>
createAsyncVideoWorker(VideoWorkerParams params) Future<AsyncVideoWorker>
createCapturer(Config config) Capturer
Creates a Capturer object (it's used to detect or track faces in images or video sequences).
createCapturer2(String ini_file) Capturer
Similar to the FacerecService.createCapturer method.
createContext(Object ctx) Context
createContextFromCameraImage(dynamic image, int baseAngle) Context
createContextFromEncodedImage(Uint8List data) Context
createContextFromFrame(Uint8List data, int width, int height, {ContextFormat format = ContextFormat.FORMAT_YUV420, int baseAngle = 0}) Context
createContextFromJsonFile(String path) Context
createFaceAttributesEstimator(String ini_file) FaceAttributesEstimator
createLiveness2DEstimator(String ini_file) Liveness2DEstimator
Creates a Liveness2DEstimator object (it's used evalute liveness of face).
createProcessingBlock(Map ctx) ProcessingBlock
createRawImageFromCameraImage(dynamic image, int baseAngle) RawImageF
createRecognizer(String ini_file, {bool processing = true, bool matching = true, bool processing_less_memory_consumption = false}) Recognizer
Creates a Recognizer object (it's used to create face templates and compare them).
createVideoWorker(VideoWorkerParams params) VideoWorker
Creates a VideoWorker object

it is used to:
dispose() → void
Removing an object from memory. Must be called manually.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createService() Future<FacerecService>
Initializes the facerec library (can be called only once).

By default it is recommended to use FaceSdkPlugin.createFacerecService.