addVideoFrame method Null safety
Add a new video frame for a specific video stream.
Tracking results can be obtained via VideoWorker.poolTrackResults.
Return integer id for this frame, unique for this video stream.
This id will be used to identify this frame in the callbacks.
int addVideoFrame(RawImageF image, int timestamp_microsec) {
final addVF = _dll_handle.lookupFunction<_VWaddVideoFrame_c, _VWaddVideoFrame_dart>(_c_namespace + 'VideoWorker_addVideoFrameWithTimestamp_with_crop');
Pointer<Pointer<Void>> exception = _getException();
int res = addVF(_impl,, image.width, image.height, image.format.index, image.with_crop, image.crop_info_offset_x,
image.crop_info_offset_y, image.crop_info_data_image_width, image.crop_info_data_image_height, 0, timestamp_microsec, exception);
checkException(exception, _dll_handle);
return res;