3DiVi Face SDK  3.25.0
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Recognizer Class Reference

Instance Methods

(nonnull Template *) - loadTemplate::
 Load the template. The format is platform-independent. Only the templates that were created with the same method (i.e. with the same ini_file) can be loaded. More...
(nonnull Template *) - loadTemplate:
 Load the template. The format is platform-independent. Only the templates that were created with the same method (i.e. with the same ini_file) can be loaded. More...
(nonnull MatchResult *) - getROCCurvePointByFAR:
 Get a point on the ROC curve with a given false acceptance rate (FAR). Thread-safe. More...
(nonnull Template *) - processing:
 Create a template. More...

Method Documentation

- (nonnull MatchResult *) getROCCurvePointByFAR: (const double)  desired_far

Get a point on the ROC curve with a given false acceptance rate (FAR). Thread-safe.

Point on the ROC curve in the form of a MatchResult struct.
- (nonnull Template*) loadTemplate: (const char *_Nullable)  file_path

Load the template. The format is platform-independent. Only the templates that were created with the same method (i.e. with the same ini_file) can be loaded.

Loaded template.
- (nonnull Template *) loadTemplate: (const void *_Nonnull const)  data
: (const int)  size 

Load the template. The format is platform-independent. Only the templates that were created with the same method (i.e. with the same ini_file) can be loaded.

[in]dataData buffer.
[in]sizeNumber of bytes in the data buffer.
Loaded template.
- (nonnull Template *) processing: (RawSample *_Nullable)  raw_sample

Create a template.

[in]raw_sampleFace sample. At the moment, all methods can only be used with frontal samples.
Created template.