com | |
  vdt | |
   face_recognition | |
    sdk | Java interface |
     utils | |
      Converter_YUV_NV_2_ARGB | Interface object for convertation image from YUV nv21(12) to ARGB |
     ActiveLiveness | |
      ActiveLivenessStatus | Active liveness check state |
      CheckType | Check type for active liveness |
      Liveness | Active liveness check state |
     AgeGenderEstimator | Interface object for age and gender estimation |
      Age | Age groups |
      AgeGender | Age and gender |
      Gender | Gender groups |
     CameraCalibrator | Interface object for camera calibration and correction of image distortion |
      AddImageOutput | Result of image processing |
      CalibrateOutput | Result of calibration |
      CalibrationSettings | Сalibration process settings |
       PatternType | Types of calibration patterns |
     Capturer | Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences |
      CapturerType | Capturer types (see also RawSample.SampleType) |
     Context | Context is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
      Format | |
     ContextTemplate | ContextTemplate is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
     DepthLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
      Liveness | Estimated liveness |
     DepthMapRaw | A depth map aligned with the original color image.
Correspondence between the coordinates of the original image and depth map is as follows:
let (x; y) be a point on the depth map, then a corresponding point on the original image is
(depth_map_2_image_offset_x + depth_map_2_image_scale_x * x; depth_map_2_image_offset_y + depth_map_2_image_scale_y * y) |
     DynamicTemplateIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
     EmotionsEstimator | Interface object for estimation of emotions |
      Emotion | Emotions |
      EmotionConfidence | Emotion with confidence |
     FaceAttributesEstimator | Interface object used to estimate attributes of the face |
      Attribute | The result of determining the presence of the required attribute on the face |
       MaskAttribute | Detailed description for attribute - medical mask |
      EyeStateScore | Estimated eye state and probability of eye opening |
       EyeState | |
     FaceQualityEstimator | Interface object for sample quality estimation |
     FacerecService | Interface object for creating other interface objects |
      Config | Used to override configuration parameters at runtime |
      License | Storing the license as a string variable |
      LicenseState | License status |
       CounterState | State of the counter assigned to a specified license element |
     IRFrameRaw | An IR frame aligned with an original color image.
Correspondence between the coordinates of the original image and the IR frame is as follows:
let (x; y) be a point on the IR frame, then a corresponding point on the original image is
(ir_frame_2_image_offset_x + ir_frame_2_image_scale_x * x; ir_frame_2_image_offset_y + ir_frame_2_image_scale_y * y) |
     IRLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
      Liveness | Estimated liveness |
     Liveness2DEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
      Liveness | Estimated liveness |
      LivenessAndScore | Estimated liveness and score |
     LivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness to prevent spoofing attacks |
      Liveness | Estimated liveness |
     MatchFoundCallbackData | Interface object for encapsulation data from MatchFoundCallback |
     Point | 3D point |
     ProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API |
     QualityEstimator | Interface object used to estimate sample quality |
      Quality | Set of quality parameters. Each parameter is in range 1 to 5. '1' stands for 'best qualit', '5' stands for 'worst quality' |
     RawImage | Class to provide raw image data and optional cropping information |
      Format | Format of image data |
      PixelFormat | Format of image data in pixel array |
     RawSample | Interface object that stores a captured face sample |
      Angles | Face orientation angles |
      FaceCutType | Face cropping types |
      ImageFormat | Image formats for saving |
      Rectangle | Rectangle in an image |
      SampleType | Sample types (see also VDT.FaceRecognition.SDK.Capturer.CapturerType) |
     Recognizer | Interface object for creating and matching templates |
      MatchResult | Result of template matching |
      SearchAccelerationType | Types of search acceleration |
      SearchResult | Result of searching the Template query in the TemplatesIndex |
     SDKException | The class of exceptions thrown when errors occur |
     StiPersonOutdatedCallbackData | An interface object for encapsulated data from StiPersonOutdatedCallback |
     Template | Interface object for saving the face template |
     TemplateCreatedCallbackData | Interface object for encapsulation data from TemplateCreatedCallback |
     TemplatesIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
     TrackingCallbackData | Interface object for encapsulation data from TrackingCallback |
      SampleCheckStatus | The result of some kind of sample checking |
     TrackingLostCallbackData | Interface object for encapsulation data from TrackingLostCallback |
     VideoWorker | VideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams. We recommend you to use VideoWorker instead of Capturer for face tracking on video streams. When VideoWorker is created with matching_thread=0 and processing_thread=0, then the standard Capturer license is used |
      DatabaseElement | Database element. If you have several face templates for one person, you should create one element for each template with the same person_id but different element_id |
      MatchFoundCallback | Callback function type for a MatchFound event |
      MatchFoundCallbackU | Callback function type for a MatchFound event |
      Params | Parameters of the VideoWorker constructor |
      SearchResult | Template search result (for the VideoWorker.MatchFoundCallback) |
      StiPersonOutdatedCallbackU | Callback function type for an StiPersonOutdated event |
      TemplateCreatedCallback | Callback function type for a TemplateCreated event |
      TemplateCreatedCallbackU | Callback function type for a TemplateCreated event |
      TrackingCallback | Callback function type for a Tracking event |
      TrackingCallbackU | Callback function type for a Tracking event. This callback is called every time the frame has been processed by the tracker. Tracking callback will be called with frame_id = X not earlier than VideoWorker.addVideoFrame returns the value X + N - 1, where N is the value returned by VideoWorker.getTrackingConveyorSize |
      TrackingLostCallback | Callback function type for a TrackingLost event (e.g. when a person leaves the frame) |
      TrackingLostCallbackU | Callback function type for a TrackingLost event (e.g. when a person leaves the frame) |
 face_sdk | |
  example | |
   cv_raw_image | |
    CVRawImage | Example of implementation of the RawImage interface via OpenCV |
  modules | |
   active_liveness | |
    CheckType | Check type for active liveness |
    Liveness | Active liveness check state |
    ActiveLivenessStatus | Active liveness check state description |
   age_gender_estimator | |
    Age | Age groups |
    Gender | Gender groups |
    AgeGender | Age and gender |
    AgeGenderEstimator | Interface object for age & gender estimation |
   capturer | |
    CapturerType | Capturer types (see also RawSample.SampleType) |
    Capturer | Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences |
   complex_object | |
    ComplexObject | |
   config | |
    Config | Used to override configuration parameters at runtime |
   context | |
    ContextFormat | |
    Context | Interface object for the container is Context |
   context_template | |
    ContextTemplate | Interface object for saving the face template |
   depth_liveness_estimator | |
    Liveness | Estimated liveness |
    DepthLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
   depth_map_raw | |
    DepthMapRaw | A depth map aligned with the original color image |
   dll_handle | |
    DllHandle | |
   dynamic_template_index | |
    DynamicTemplateIndex | |
   emotions_estimator | |
    Emotion | Emotions |
    EmotionConfidence | Emotion with confidence |
    EmotionsEstimator | Interface object for estimation of emotions |
   error | |
    Error | The class of exceptions thrown when errors occur |
   exception_check | |
    ExceptionDestroyer | |
    ProcessngBlockExceptionDestroyer | |
   face_attributes_estimator | |
    MaskAttribute | Detailed description for attribute - medical mask |
    EyeState | Estimated eye state |
    EyeStateScore | |
    Attribute | Interface object used to estimate attributes of the face |
    FaceAttributesEstimator | Interface object used to estimate attributes of the face |
   face_quality_estimator | |
    FaceQualityEstimator | Interface object for sample quality estimation |
   facerec_service | |
    FacerecService | Interface object for creating other interface objects |
   ir_frame_raw | |
    IRFrameRaw | An IR frame aligned with the original color image |
   ir_liveness_estimator | |
    Liveness | Estimated liveness |
    IRLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
   liveness_2d_estimator | |
    Liveness | Estimated liveness |
    LivenessAndScore | Estimated liveness and score |
    Liveness2DEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
   point | |
    Point | 3D point |
   processing_block | |
    ProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API |
    LegacyProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with Legacy Processing Block API |
   quality_estimator | |
    Quality | Set of quality parameters |
    QualityEstimator | Interface object for image quality estimation |
   raw_image | |
    CapiData | |
    Rectangle | Rectangle in an image |
    Format | Format of image data |
    RawImage | Raw image interface |
   raw_sample | |
    Angles | Face orientation angles |
    ImageFormat | Image formats for saving |
    SampleType | Sample types (see also VDT.FaceRecognition.SDK.Capturer.CapturerType) |
    FaceCutType | Face cropping types |
    RawSample | Interface object that stores a captured face sample |
   recognizer | |
    MatchResult | Interface object for creating and matching templates |
    SearchResult | Result of searching the Template query in the TemplatesIndex |
    SearchAccelerationType | Types of search acceleration |
    Recognizer | Interface object for creating and matching templates |
   sample_check_status | |
    Verdict | The result of some kind of sample checking |
   service | |
    Service | |
   struct_storage_fields | |
    StructStorageFields | |
   template | |
    Template | Interface object for saving the face template |
   templates_index | |
    TemplatesIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
   video_worker | |
    SearchResult | Template search result (for face_sdk_3divi.modules.video_worker.MatchFoundCallbackFuncU) |
    TrackingCallbackData | Tracking callback data |
    TemplateCreatedCallbackData | TemplateCreated callback data |
    MatchFoundCallbackData | MatchFound callback data |
    TrackingLostCallbackData | TrackingLost callback data |
    StiPersonOutdatedCallbackData | StiPersonOutdated callback data |
    DatabaseElement | Database element |
    Params | Parameters of the VideoWorker constructor |
    VideoWorkerSomething | |
    VideoWorker | VideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams |
 pbio | C++ interface |
  ActiveLiveness | |
   ActiveLivenessStatus | Active liveness check state |
  AgeGenderEstimator | Interface object for age and gender estimation |
   AgeGender | Age and gender |
  CameraCalibrator | Interface object for camera calibration and correction of image distortion |
   CalibrationSettings | Сalibration process settings |
  Capturer | Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences |
  Config | A class used to override the configuration parameters at runtime |
  Context | Context is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
  ContextRef | |
  ContextTemplate | Interface object for saving the face template |
  DepthLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
  DepthMapRaw | A depth map aligned with the original color image.
Correspondence between the coordinates of the original image and depth map is as follows:
let (x; y) be a point on the depth map, then a corresponding point on the original image is
(depth_map_2_image_offset_x + depth_map_2_image_scale_x * x; depth_map_2_image_offset_y + depth_map_2_image_scale_y * y) |
  DynamicTemplateIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
  EmotionsEstimator | Interface object for estimation of emotions |
   EmotionConfidence | Emotion with confidence |
  Error | The class of exceptions thrown when errors occur |
  CVRawImage | Example of implementation of the pbio::IRawImage interface via OpenCV |
  FaceAttributesEstimator | Interface object used to estimate attributes of the face |
   Attribute | The result of determining the presence of the required attribute on the face |
   EyeStateScore | Estimated eye state and probability of eye opening |
  FaceQualityEstimator | Interface object for sample quality estimation |
  FacerecService | Interface object for creating other interface objects |
   License | Storing the license as a string variable |
   LicenseState | License status |
    CounterState | State of the counter assigned to a specified license element |
  InternalImageBuffer | Interface object that stores image data. Always create new InternalImageBuffer for every image or video frame. Never change image data of InternalImageBuffer after first use |
  IRawImage | Raw image interface. To use this interface, you need to inherit it and create your own implementation for a specific image type. See an example of implementation in pbio/example/CVRawImage.h |
  IRFrameRaw | An IR frame aligned with an original color image.
Correspondence between the coordinates of the original image and the IR frame is as follows:
let (x; y) be a point on the IR frame, then a corresponding point on the original image is
(ir_frame_2_image_offset_x + ir_frame_image_2_scale_x * x; ir_frame_2_image_offset_y + ir_frame_2_image_scale_y * y) |
  IRLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
  Liveness2DEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
   LivenessAndScore | Estimated liveness and score |
  LivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness to prevent spoofing attacks |
  Point | 3D point |
  ProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API |
  QualityEstimator | Interface object used to estimate sample quality |
   Quality | Set of quality parameters. Each parameter is in range 1 to 5. '1' stands for 'best qualit', '5' stands for 'worst quality' |
  RawImage | Struct that provides raw image data and optional cropping information |
  RawSample | Interface object that stores a captured face sample |
   Angles | Face orientation angles |
  Recognizer | Interface object for creating and matching templates |
   MatchResult | Result of template matching |
   SearchResult | Result of searching the Template query in the TemplatesIndex |
  Rectangle | Rectangle in an image |
  SampleCheckStatus | The result of some kind of sample checking |
  HeavySmartPtr | |
  SmartPtr | |
  LightSmartPtr | |
  StructStorageFields | |
  Template | Interface object for saving the face template |
  TemplatesIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
  VideoWorker | VideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams. We recommend you to use VideoWorker instead of Capturer for face tracking on video streams. When VideoWorker is created with matching_thread=0 and processing_thread=0, then the standard Capturer license is used |
   DatabaseElement | Database element. If you have several face templates for one person, you should create one element for each template with the same person_id but different element_id |
   MatchFoundCallbackData | MatchFound callback data |
   Params | Parameters of the VideoWorker constructor |
   SearchResult | Template search result (for VideoWorker::MatchFoundCallbackFuncU) |
   StiPersonOutdatedCallbackData | StiPersonOutdated callback data |
   TemplateCreatedCallbackData | TemplateCreated callback data |
   TrackingCallbackData | Tracking callback data |
   TrackingLostCallbackData | TrackingLost callback data |
 VDT | |
  FaceRecognition | |
   SDK | C# interface |
    ActiveLiveness | |
     ActiveLivenessStatus | Active liveness check state |
    AgeGenderEstimator | Interface object for age and gender estimation |
     AgeGender | Age and gender |
    CameraCalibrator | Interface object for camera calibration and correction of image distortion |
     AddImageOutput | Result of image processing |
     CalibrateOutput | Result of calibration |
     CalibrationSettings | Сalibration process settings |
    Capturer | Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences |
    ComplexObject | |
    Context | Context is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
    ContextTemplate | ContextTemplate is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
    DepthLivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
    DepthMapRaw | A depth map aligned with the original color image.
Correspondence between the coordinates of the original image and depth map is as follows:
let (x; y) be a point on the depth map, then a corresponding point on the original image is
(depth_map_2_image_offset_x + depth_map_2_image_scale_x * x; depth_map_2_image_offset_y + depth_map_2_image_scale_y * y) |
    DynamicTemplateIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
    EmotionsEstimator | Interface object for estimation of emotions |
     EmotionConfidence | Emotion with confidence |
    ErrorMethods | |
    Error | The class of exceptions thrown when errors occur |
    ObjectDisposedException | The class of exception thrown when used disposed object |
    ExceptionDestroyer | |
    FaceAttributesEstimator | Interface object used to estimate attributes of the face |
     Attribute | |
     EyeStateScore | Estimated eye state and probability of eye opening |
    FaceQualityEstimator | Interface object for sample quality estimation |
    FacerecService | Interface object for creating other interface objects |
     Config | Used to override configuration parameters at runtime |
     License | Storing the license as a string variable |
     LicenseState | License status |
      CounterState | State of the counter assigned to a specified license element |
    IDisposableObject | |
    Liveness2DEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness in order to prevent spoofing attacks |
     LivenessAndScore | Estimated liveness and score |
    LivenessEstimator | Interface object used to estimate face liveness to prevent spoofing attacks |
    Point | 3D point |
    ProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API |
    ProcessingBlockError | |
    QualityEstimator | Interface object used to estimate sample quality |
     Quality | Set of quality parameters. Each parameter is in range 1 to 5. '1' stands for 'best qualit', '5' stands for 'worst quality' |
    RawImage | Class to provide raw image data and optional crop information |
    RawSample | Interface object that stores a captured face sample |
     Angles | Face orientation angles |
     Rectangle | Rectangle in an image |
    Recognizer | Interface object for creating and matching templates |
     MatchResult | Result of template matching |
     SearchResult | Result of searching the Template query in the TemplatesIndex |
    Template | Interface object for saving the face template |
    TemplatesIndex | Interface object for working with the template index |
    VideoWorker | VideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams. We recommend you to use VideoWorker instead of Capturer for face tracking on video streams. When VideoWorker is created with matching_thread=0 and processing_thread=0, then the standard Capturer license is used |
     DatabaseElement | Database element. If you have several face templates for one person, you should create one element for each template with the same person_id but different element_id |
     MatchFoundCallbackData | MatchFound callback data |
     Params | Parameters of the VideoWorker constructor |
     SearchResult | Template search result (for the VideoWorker.MatchFoundCallback) |
     StiPersonOutdatedCallbackData | StiPersonOutdated callback data |
     TemplateCreatedCallbackData | TemplateCreated callback data |
     TrackingCallbackData | Tracking callback data |
     TrackingLostCallbackData | TrackingLost callback data |
 ActiveLivenessStatus | |
 AgeGender | |
 Angles | Face orientation angles |
 Capturer | Interface object for detecting or tracking of faces in the images or video sequences |
 Config | |
 Context | Context is an interface object for storing data and interacting with methods from the Processing Block API |
 ContextTemplate | |
 CounterState | |
 DatabaseElement | Database element. If you have several face templates for one person, you should create one element for each template with the same person_id but different element_id |
 DynamicTemplateIndex | |
 EmotionsConfidence | |
 FacerecService | |
 LicenseState | |
 MatchFoundCallbackData | |
 MatchResult | Result of template matching |
 Params | |
 Point2 | 3D point |
 ProcessingBlock | Interface object used to work with estimators from Processing Block API |
 RawImage | Struct that provides raw image data and optional cropping information |
 RawSample | Interface object that stores a captured face sample |
 Recognizer | |
 Rectangle | Rectangle in an image |
 SearchResult | |
 Template | Interface object for saving the face template |
 TrackingCallbackData | |
 VideoWorker | VideoWorker is an interface object for tracking, processing and matching faces on multiple video streams. We recommend you to use VideoWorker instead of Capturer for face tracking on video streams. When VideoWorker is created with matching_thread=0 and processing_thread=0, then the standard Capturer license is used |