nuitrack | |
  device | |
   NuitrackDevice | Contains information and settings for a device |
   VideoMode | Contains parameters for a stream |
  issues | |
   FrameBorderIssue | |
   IssuesData | |
   OcclusionIssue | |
   SensorIssue | |
  NativeResources | |
   PooledUnmanagedResource | Represents a wrapper for UnmanagedResource object allocated from the object pool |
   UnmanagedResource | Represents a disposable wrapper for unmanaged native resource |
  ColorFrame | Stores a color map of a frame |
  ColorSensor | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Color Sensor module |
  DepthFrame | Stores a depth map of a frame |
  DepthSensor | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Depth Sensor module |
  Frame< T > | Represents a generalized frame |
  Gesture | Describes a gesture with reference to a user |
  GestureData | Stores the results of gesture estimation |
  UserState | Describes the state of a particular user |
  UserStateData | Stores the results of the user state estimation |
  GestureState | Describes the state of a gesture |
  UserGesturesState | Describes the user state supplemented by the information about the actions currently being performed |
  UserGesturesStateData | |
  GestureRecognizer | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Gesture Recognizer module |
  HandContent | Stores information about the user's hand |
  UserHands | Stores the information about the user's hand |
  HandTrackerData | Stores hand tracking results related to a specific point in time |
  HandTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Hand Tracker module |
  Issue | |
  IssueTracker | |
  Module | |
  Nuitrack | |
  SkeletonTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Skeleton Tracker module |
  UserFrame | Represents a user map with the information about the floor |
  UserTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack User Tracker module |
  BoundingBox | Stores a bounding box properties |
  Color3 | Stores the values of RGB image colors |
  Exception | |
  TerminateException | |
  BadConfigValueException | |
  ConfigNotFoundException | |
  ModuleNotFoundException | |
  LicenseNotAcquiredException | |
  ModuleNotInitializedException | |
  ModuleNotStartedException | |
  Joint | Stores the joint data |
  Orientation | Stores the spatial orientation as a 3x3 rotation matrix |
  OutputMode | Stores the sensor data properties |
  Skeleton | Stores the skeleton data |
  SkeletonData | Stores the information about all available skeletons at a certain point in time |
  User | Stores the information about a detected user |
  Vector3 | |
 tdv | |
  nuitrack | |
   device | |
    ActivationInfo | Contains activation types |
    DeviceInfo | Contains information types for NuitrackDevice |
    Stream | Contains stream data types |
    VideoMode | Contains parameters for a stream |
    NuitrackDevice | Contains information and settings for a device |
   Nuitrack | Central class for common Nuitrack operations |
   ColorSensor | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Color Sensor module |
   DepthSensor | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Depth Sensor module |
   GestureRecognizer | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Gesture Recognizer module |
   HandTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Hand Tracker module |
   SkeletonTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack Skeleton Tracker module |
   UserTracker | Represents the interface to the capabilities of the Nuitrack User Tracker module |
   BoundingBox | Stores a bounding box properties |
   Color3 | |
   FrameBorderIssue | Represents the frame bodrer issue |
   Gesture | Describes a gesture with a binding to a user |
   UserState | Describes a state of a particular user |
   GestureState | Describes the state of a gesture |
   UserGesturesState | Describes the user's state, supplemented by information about the actions currently being performed |
   Hand | Stores information about the user's hand |
   UserHands | Stores information about the user's hand |
   OcclusionIssue | Represents the occlusion issue |
   Orientation | Stores the spatial orientation as a 3x3 rotation matrix |
   OutputMode | Stores sensor data properties |
   RGBMark | |
   SensorIssue | Represents the sensor issue |
   Joint | Stores the joint data |
   Skeleton | Stores the data of the skeleton |
   User | Stores information about a detected user |
   CVector3 | |
   Vector3 | |
   DepthFrame | Stores a frame depth map |
   Exception | Common Nuitrack exception class |
   TerminateException | |
   BadConfigValueException | |
   ConfigNotFoundException | |
   ModuleNotFoundException | |
   LicenseNotAcquiredException | |
   ModuleNotInitializedException | |
   ModuleNotStartedException | |
   nuitrack_error | |
   Frame | Represents a generalized frame |
   GestureData | Stores the results of gesture estimation |
   UserStateData | Stores the results of user state estimation |
   UserGesturesStateData | Stores the results of estimation of the state of gestures for every tracked user |
   HandTrackerData | Stores hand tracking results related to a specific point in time |
   Issue | Stores general information about a issue |
   IssuesData | Stores results of issue detection |
   BaseObjectData | Generalized class for data with a timestamp |
   ObjectData | Generalized template for data with a timestamp |
   RGBFrame | Stores a frame color map |
   SkeletonData | Stores the data of all available skeletons at a certain point in time |
   UserFrame | Represents a user map with information about the floor |